My name is Caitlin Nickels and I'm a final year New Media Studies student in the Institute of Art Design and Technology, Dun Laoghaire. I have always had an interest in the TV and film industry, and more recently the environment and sustainability, and the impact of climate change on our planet. My hopes are to one day combine these two interests of mine, and bring environmentally friendly practices to this media industry.

The name of the blog, Green Glamour, was inspired by what I thought of when I imagined sustainable filmmaking. The colour green is often associated with nature and is used when referring to the environment, and when I imagine costumes in films and TV series, I often imagine glamourous outfits most associated with the 'Golden Age' of Hollywood, with all their luxury and affluent fabrics.
I created this blog with the aim of educating aspiring costume designers and filmmakers on the importance of sustainability within the film industry and costume department. I aim to do this through my posts and visual creative content. While I'm very interested in environmental sustainability. I didn't know very much about how the film industry was impacting the planet. I figured that an industry this big, that produces so much content each year must have a pretty significant carbon footprint. I wanted to explore this topic further, and learn about the impact the industry was having on the environment, but also what solutions were being implemented to help the fight for climate change.
As the film and TV industry is so huge, it is difficult to know where to start looking and talking about each individual department and their carbon footprint. I decided to focus in depth on the costume department, as many elements of this department tie in with fast fashion, which is a major carbon producer and ethical problem. This blog aims to highlight the significance of waste in the costume department , in hopes of starting a conversation about solutions to this global issue. Climate activism eventually leads to climate action, but this can't happen without education and awareness, and that is what this blog aims to inspire.